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Legacy of SCN

"Everything was on the net...  ALMOST everything !

That was, back in 1998, my inducement to add some missing pieces to the big puzzle known as "World Wide Web". So the idea of creating a website was born.

On these pages I put together some data, facts, photos and prospects of roller coasters and other amusement rides made by the Anton Schwarzkopf company / Schwarzkopf GmbH company, that I like to share with you.

Over the years a more than comprehensive website has grown from the aforementioned "missing pieces". Visitors from all over the world stop by to catch-up their desired - or may I say long awaited - Schwarzkopf related knowledge.

Papermade publications of the past rarely featured Schwarzkopf related content and when there was some, it mostly contained wrong information or false data. UNFORTUNATELY.
However...I can imagine thus being a main reason for what SCHWARZKOPF COASTER NET became such a success.

I do appreciate any feedback regarding mistakes in the information given within the content of this website.

Last but not least I wish you lots of fun while browsing these pages. Enjoy your stay and thank you for visiting!"

- Michael Pantenburg


Since the site's heyday, a lot has changed - there's a lot of websites dedicated to cataloguing Schwarzkopf media, and not even just that, but YouTubers like Defunctland, Expedition Theme Park, ACE Online, Clothoid Loops and many, many more provide videos with info on Schwarzkopf.


Alpha 1.041 (8/18/2023 8:57 PM EST) - Typo fixes
Alpha 1.04 (8/18/2023 8:57 PM EST) - Minor bug fixes
Alpha 1.03 (8/18/2023 8:45 PM EST) - A bit more updating
Alpha 1.02 (8/18/2023 4:20 PM EST) - More work on "The Company" pages
Alpha 1.01 (8/18/2023 12:30 PM EST) - More site stuff added

Alpha 1.0 (8/18/2023 12:00 PM EST) - Site launched

Schwarzkopf Coaster Rewritten

Version Alpha 1.041 (8/18/2023 - 8:57 PM EST)


Original Site Elements by Michael Pantenburg

©1998-2023 Michael Pantenburg


Recreated for modern computers and mobile devices by Maddox Cox via

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